Haven't been to Maddie's Place in a few years so, a friend and I made a date to check it out for lunch. Actually, we really wanted a nice, quiet, friendly atmosphere to catch up on a few years or so. You see, Leta just moved back from Fort Worth and we have not had a nice girlfriend lunch for a long time. It was wonderful to chat, rehash, and renew our friendship since she is back in town to stay!! We've known each other most of our lives...Ridgeroad Jr. High, NLR High, various reunions, a couple of Bible studies, and a few dinners, drinks, and such. She is an especially nice person (rare) and, I can see our relationship continuing onward. Sort of special...how many friends are you still friendly with since way back when???
Back to Maddie's...we each had the special, Cajun Chicken & Dumplings. Very ample serving with lots of plump dumplings and plenty of chicken for a hearty New Orleans type meal. And, because we had lots to catch up on so, we stayed a good while, so dessert was a necessity. Chocolate Creme Bruleé is always delicious here. So that's just what we had before we paid our tab, jumped in the car, and shopped at various antique malls all afternoon! Very nice to have a good friend who, even though, you haven't seen for awhile, seems to nicely fit right back in where you left off, years ago! Sort of like revisiting Maddie's Place, too...

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